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"Listen to the lyrics"

Aspasia grew up writing and performing music. So much so that she moved halfway across the country to Santa Clarita, CA in order to pursue a degree in musical arts at CalArts. After spending half a year forming a band and performing in the area she found that this lifelong dream of hers to be in California was not what it seemed. She soon packed her bags, moved to Nashville, and wrote an EP based on the theme of things not being what you want them to be. 
Her Iconic brand of pop rock with an attitude is now a namesake through the Nashville dive scene, and you can often find one of her stickers or an empty bottle of bubbles at the venues she frequents.
Her sonic inspiration was born from a lifelong devotion to Twenty One Pilots, as well as bands like COIN, Hippo Campus, Arlie, and The Aces.

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